Friday, November 19, 2010

TSA, Gays and Strict Conservatives

You gotta love America and it's strict Constitutional conservatives. Always the first to preach that the Constitution needs to be strictly upheld at all times and argue that loose liberals and loose interpretations of this document are ruining the country are the first ones to turn their back on their holy document when it comes to the issues they don't approve of.

It has been days now where every “news” channel and I use the word "news" very very loosely are going on and on about personal rights, personal freedoms and the Constitution due to the recent TSA pat downs and x-ray scanners. They argue how privacy is being invaded, personal space is being intruded on and the government once again is getting too involved in our lives. So where is all this outrage, day after day after day, over Don't Ask, Don't Tell, amendments to state constitutions to bar same sex marriage or attempts to actually alter our holy National Constitution? Why are the same people offended by the recent TSA pat down debacle, based on their 4th Amendment privacy Constitutional rights, not equally offended by my Constitutional rights being denied as a gay man? Anyone with half a brain knows it is due to the fact that the majority of the population isn't gay, but the majority are offended by having their “junk” touched, so therefore I am not protected by the Constitution. Yet none of these strict Constitutional conservatives have a problem with that? Apparently the Constitution only seems to apply to the majority and is only important when the majority of white, Christian people feel they are being affected.

It seems perfectly normal to these strict constitutional conservatives to not let me serve my country, because they don't approve of my orientation, or marry someone, because they don't approve of my choice of partner, or adopt children because they don't agree I can raise a child with another man, or let me receive benefits from my lifetime partner, because we aren't a real partnership, or allow me to see my partner in the hospital, because they don't think I feel pain, loss and love like they do. What's the justification for denying my Constitutional rights? The answer: they simply don't approve or like it and are looking out for the country and it‘s moral fiber. Really? Well I didn't see that amendment in my Constitution…you know the line that starts We the people, well the people we feel are most important and morally superior, have the right to like what we like and if we don't like it, it doesn't need to be protected.

Since when did feelings become protected by the Constitution? Nowhere in the constitution does it say you have the right to feelings. Free speech, check, right to bear arms, check, pursuit of happiness, check, however I don't recall ever seeing anything in the Constitution that should be negated when you have very strong feelings about an issue. For example, are we not all created equal? The constitution doesn't say anything about all men are created equal unless a majority of people don't want them to be equal? If that was the case, why would even need a Constitution in the first place? If that is the thought, then why did we ever free slaves, give women the right to vote or even leave England in the first place? Seems like a big waste of time and waste of paper really to continue printing mini Constitutions for future generations when the current generations prove it doesn't really cover everybody until the majority sees fit.

I find it horribly sad that this happens in America. The United States of America, the greatest country in the world, is the first country to go against it's unique and precious foundation that we all claim to hold so dear and argue it makes us the best country in the world. When will the strict conservatives actually be strict conservatives? Who is going to hold them accountable for the hypocrisy? Don't count on other strict readers of the Constitution or fair and balanced news. Apparently they have found that the phrase All men are created equal really is just another way of saying All men are created equal unless u don't like them, then those men aren't equal to you. Equality isn’t based on similarity.

Strict conservatives have a problem with what they call "activist judges", however, those judges are the ones who claim that when these cases are sent in front of them they are against the most simple principal facts of the Constitution? You would think these strict conservatives would praise them, right? I mean it is very simple people. ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL…so why do they have a say in anything? Am I not equal to my brother serving in the army? If I am equal I can serve, if I am not equal I cannot serve? You tell me strict conservatives - How do you look in the mirror and sleep at night knowing that the founding fathers you praise so much would call for your head if aware of you and your hypocrisy?